Heavy Duty 1" Razor Scraper

Heavy Duty 1" Razor Scraper

5.0 / 5
Product SKU : GT-138

Availability: In Stock


The Heavy Duty 1" Razor Scraper (GT-138) offers safety and reliability with its retractable design and intermediate blade position, compatible with Single Edge Blades (GT-140) for easy refills. Read More...

Heavy Duty 1" Razor Scraper Heavy Duty 1" Razor Scraper
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The Heavy Duty 1" Razor Scraper (GT-138) stands as a pinnacle of safety and durability in scraping tasks. Its retractable design ensures safety during storage and transport, while the intermediate blade position prevents accidental blade sliding during use, providing added security and control.

Compatible with Single Edge Blades (GT-140), this scraper offers convenience in blade replacement, ensuring uninterrupted workflow and optimal performance for heavy-duty scraping applications.